Wow, this is already a couple weeks late but I didn't want to completely pass it by! So here's Hannah's 9-month update, even though she's already changed since then!
* Accomplishments: she's standing all the way up now and walks pushing a box
* She wakes once a night (instead of four times, yay!) and goes back to sleep with Daddy rocking her (just trying to break the feedings), no more third nap though a snooze in the car after dinner is always good
* New foods: peas, applesauce, pears, green beans, pumpkin, peaches, mango, mashed potatoes, blueberry, spaghetti
* Still no bottle or cup--it's hard to believe that for 9 MONTHS I've been there for every. single. feeding. to nurse her! For more than 9 months I have not been apart from her for more than 3 hours. If I go out of town, I bring her too, no questions asked. Boy, I really am looking forward to having some freedom back in hopefully just a couple months when she's weaned or at least in the process!
* Don't know her size but she's definitely outgrowing her 6-9 month clothes!