It's official, Paul and Holly are MARRIED, and what a beautiful day it was!! Here are a few pics...

Overall we had a good trip and everything went smoothly. Instead of putting everything into lengthy paragraphs I'll just bullet some of the happenings:
* During the drive out while I was caravanning with my parents-- My mom was driving our van, the kids were sleeping, and I would not have wanted to stop so kids wouldn't wake up, but my dad in the other vehicle needed a potty break, so we stopped anyway. Turned out that our gas light had been on for who knows how long and were probably running on fumes! Now driving through Nebraska you better not miss your exit because it's a LOT of miles before another one, so I was sooo thankful for that potty break or we would have run out of gas on the freeway!
* Very late nights, early mornings, and an overly fussy toddler for all of the weekend.
* An overtired Hannah fighting afternoon nap one day we had to drive in the car to get her to sleep finally. Turned out that was our one opportunity to go for a mountain drive and enjoy some of God's beauty. It turned into a blessing, and I just regret not bringing my camera!!
* The kids woke up on central time (6am in Denver!) every day except the last day.
* A bit of a curling iron burn on my arm. Oops!
* ALMOST getting to go in the hotel hot tub after the kids were in bed, but Hannah woke up less than an hour after we put her down. My mom who was manning the monitor came to get us, and that was the end of that. We were there for
maybe 10 minutes. *sigh* maybe next time...
* We had our first poop-in-the-bathtub experience with Hannah and Eli. Hannah was the guilty one. Nice...
* On wedding day my cousin, aunt, and uncle (who we haven't seen since
Eli was about 8 months old) watched the kids while both Kevin and I were in pictures and wedding. Eli was so upset about us leaving he threw up. But once he got over the huge fit and calmed down, he was just fine the rest of the day. My family was soooo good with the kids, we REALLY appreciate them going through all that!!
* Eli made great friends with one of the other bridesmaids' daughter named Mia. He still keeps asking "Where my new friend Ima?" (Once I correct her name then he says it right.) They played together at rehearsal dinner and all of wedding day. It was so cute.

* On the drive home Hannah decided to hold sleeping Eli's hand for a long time.... very adorable.

* While driving we saw exciting things like...
a lot full of school buses!

a cloud machine!

and the ultimate thrill-- not just A train, a whole train yard!
(we saw a much bigger one before this but still exciting)

* We had sunny, 60-degree weather in Colorado.
* Returned to snow in Nebraska. We had drifts on our sidewalks that were over a foot tall, but fortunately we were still able to drive up our lane when we got home.
Last night it was so great to sleep on our own pillows in our own beds in our own rooms at our own bedtimes. It's good to be home.