Eli's actual birthday was Sunday but we had the whole big family birthday party on Saturday. We chose lunch time so those who had to drive back home afterwards wouldn't be out so late. It was a crazy morning getting the house tidied up, Kevin finishing the weed-eating the lawn, and me working on Eli's birthday cake while at the same time occupying the kids. Eli's LOVES his Incredibles (he calls it "Increbilo") jammies, even though he doesn't have any idea who they actually are, so I thought it would be fun for his birthday to get him the movie from the library. So while I needed to work on the cake I set him up with his movie, but he thought it was scary and didn't end up finishing. While the kids were watching the movie and I was working on the cake, I guess Eli went pee on his potty (which I'd brought in by the TV so he'd remember to go) and didn't tell me so I could empty the bucket. Hannah was just trying to be helpful and thought she'd carry the bucket with pee to the toilet, I'm still just working away on the cake having no idea, and of course she splashes pee all over the floor the entire path from the TV room, through the living room, through the kitchen (why didn't I see her??), and into the hallway doorway where I finally caught her in the act! NOT a happy part of my day! But I called Kevin in from outside and he helped get it cleaned up before returning to our tasks. I had just finished decorating the cake (it took 1.5 hrs!), still in my jammies, Eli running around in a jammies shirt and underwear, and Kevin still in his outside grubs when our first guests arrived!! Yikes! Kevin was nice and greeted Aunt Shiela, Grandma Groth, and Great Aunt Louise while I got dressed quickly and then he took a turn for a shower. After this point the day got MUCH better! Not because Kevin finally took a shower (haha!) because the chaos of getting things ready was over! And the rest of the day was FUN!
lunch spread--Subway party sub (yummy!!), veggies, watermelon, and chips

birthday boy

presents! Eli got this fun Diego dinasaur play kit thingy, a Thomas the Train set to go with his other train pieces, an Eric Carle ABC game, a ride-on tractor with scoop and trailer, a T-ball stand and bat, a small sandbox, and of course a few books! Thanks, everyone!

cake time!

sees cake...

but wants to keep playing!

we couldn't get him to go to his cake until we finally started singing Happy Birthday

blows out candles

...and he's back to playing with his train! he didn't want cake!

but Hannah took care of business!

everyone eating, Ei playing

while the kids were napping we all sat outside to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather!! this is Aunt Shiela and Great Aunt Louise

cute pics of Carri and Lucas (Kevin's sister and her husband)

love this one!

brother-sister pic
Then for dinner we went to town for BBQ with Kevin's family (mom, dad, Carri, Lucas, and Nannie). We put kids in bed and then did some small fireworks in celebration of Earl's (kevin's dad) birthday that was just a couple weeks ago. It was a really fun day and so nice to be surrounded by so much family!