playroom closet, view 1

view 2, with window on right that looks into bathroom

BEFORE view into bathroom. just a toilet with a small window that looks into playroom closet. (???)

the wall's out!

pretty high ceiling in there, especially compared to the dining room!

gutted. the current status

Well, initially remodeling this bathroom was not very high on priority list of ALL the things that need done around here. But when the flooring around the toilet started rotting out, causing the basement ceiling plaster to crumble apart all over my laundry shoot, we knew we needed to fix it. And if we were going to go to the effort to fix the flooring we might as well do the whole project while we're at it, especially since we were going to be moving the toilet. SO, the project began. We found a contractor right here in town that said he could do it in just a few days, definitely before Eli's birthday, he gave us a very reasonable quote saying if we did the demo ourselves it would be even cheaper. So we decided to go for it and start a project! We figured since someone else was going to be doing that one, it didn't matter so much that we weren't quite done with the dining room yet. Well...
Turned out we demo-ed the bathroom pretty much the very next day and then never heard from our contractor for 3 weeks! We called and called, wondering how many times was too much. Finally we tried again last week and finally got a hold of him, he came by two days later to check things out. Said he's pretty busy working on another project, but Kevin could ahead and do this and that... SO, in order to get the bathroom done as we need, Kevin's going to work together with the guy to do this project. The guy was really nice about it, but still, we're having to do quite a bit more than we had wanted/expected. So Kevin will do as much as he can and whatever he doesn't want to do (like drywall mudding) or can't do (like plumbing) the guy will come do. He said he was willing to come in evenings or weekends to get it done. So hopefully at the end of this week "we" can start getting our part of the bathroom done so the contractor can come do his parts. So here we go again!
No major design for this bathroom... Moving the toilet to the back part of the bathroom,closest to the window and putting a pedastal sink closest to the door. I hate cramped, so we're not going to try to fit a shower or anything in there. Even with the wall knocked out in the middle, it's still quite small. Just a nice bathroom with a toilet and sink, vanity lights, outlet, and a re-centered ceiling light. Hopefully simple!