Eli started his first day of preschool on Monday! He goes MWF from 9-11:30am at one of the Lutheran churches in town. It's Bible-centered learning, and just an overall fun environment for him to begin his school years! He was SO excited to go, and when we arrived at the school that first day he just went right in and started playing with toys while I got some things figured out with the teacher. He'd remembered it well from our visit last spring, and a friend of his is in his class this year, so that does make it easier for him.

This has begun a whole new life for all of us, as it means trucking back and forth from town twice each of those days. But actually, it's not seeming to be that big of a deal, especially since Kevin's days off are sometimes during the week. Hannah's still getting used to the fact that she doesn't get to go to school. That first day she bawled, absolutely BAWLED, ALL the way home, as in could-barely-breathe bawled, so we sat on the porch swing for awhile 'til she calmed down. Then she got to paint with water colors. Then we had tea time. Then she watched a show while I took care of some stuff for MOPS. And then it was time to pick up Eli. This time she stayed in the van while I went in to get Eli. And that's the way we continue to do it. =) But gosh, I love it. Carter naps while Eli's at school so I get blessed one-on-one time with Hannah. It's so quiet. So wonderful, so absolutely wonderful. We have tea time every day (well, every MWF) and she helps me with chores, and we read books, and she paints some more or does some sort of activity. And did I mention it's quiet? Ahh, I love this, REALLY love this.
And then Eli comes home and I get to see his sweet smile again and ask him about his day. He doesn't say much so I have to ask a lot of specific questions throughout the day. He has such a great time. And he got a new backpack, a THOMAS backpack-that's-really-too-big-for-him, since that first day, so I'll have to get a picture of that. It's just so great to see him do something on his own, to see him excited to learn and be a part of something, and to put all his learning and training into practice away from Sister outside the home. Before he goes we talk about he can share Jesus at school-- by sharing toys, helping others, listening to his teachers, having good manners--and at the end of his "day" I ask him what things he did to share Jesus. He doesn't quite understand but it's a good beginning for all the years to come.