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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Notice something??

There's something different about this little man. Can you tell what it is??

(click on picture)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ta Da! The bathroom!!

BEFORE, just a toilet

AFTER... a beautiful bathroom!

While we still have it "torn apart" we're getting a new window installed in a few weeks. Then we can put the trim up. We bought wide board for the baseboard trim and are attempting to stain it to match what was there since we're reusing the old doorway trim. THAT is a much harder process than we thought! We're still experimenting on scrap wood. Otherwise, besides decor, it's all done! I LOVE it! Kevin did a fabulous job and we DID manage to get this all done the night before the family birthday party! More on that coming soon!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Birthday Party #1 --Friends

The Monday of Eli's birthday Kevin had the day off so we decided to have Eli's friends party then. Four families and all their kids amounted to about 24 people, so we're thankful it was nice weather so we could be OUTSIDE. We had a GREAT time!

the celebration!

pizzas for dinner. note the awesome picnic table that Kevin built!

the cake. homemade ice cream cake!
the presents

the FUN!
it was a tad rainy in the morning but when the sun came out in the afternoon I decided somewhat last minute to do water toys for Eli's birthday. So I called the four moms and told them to bring the kids' suits. And about a half hour before the party I ran to town for a second baby pool. I'm glad I did because the kids had. a. blast! They played in the pools and on the slip n slide the WHOLE time and then at the end we got out water guns, and we all had so much fun! And the weather was absolutely PERFECT!

water guns!

some of our favorite faces!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Family Pics.

On Eli's birthday we had a bit of time before lunch, and it was great lighting outside, so I color-coordinated the kids and got out the ol' tripod and camera remote for some pictures!

Eli (4), Hannah (2.5), and Carter (6 mo)
my favorite

Pictures with mama.

whole family pictures. I've been waiting for this for sooo long! it's only a couple of shots, but I'm pretty happy!

a vertical one for our office frame

Happy 4th Birthday!

This is Eli.
Quick to smile.
Full of joy.
And tears. (not gonna lie)
But SO full of energy.
Aggressive and loud.
Leader of the pack.
Protective and loving.
Enthusiastic prayer.
Lover of trains,
and milk.
And tromping around in snow boots
in the summer.

I love my boy and cannot BELIEVE he's 4 YEARS OLD already!! Hope you had a great birthday! We love you!

LOVE these next two!!