We as a family visited our first church since the move last Sunday. Kevin checked it out last week, before bringing the troops (me and kids) along into a new place, and he came home reporting that we'd probably like it! He was right, and I'm excited about this maybe being our church home here!
It's a Berean church. We'd never heard of that before and were quite leery about it, but from everything we've read about their doctrine, they sound like just a normal, Bible teaching church! The name "Berean" comes from this verse in the Bible: "Now the Bereans...Received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day..." Acts 17:11 It all looks much like our last two Bible churches really. I'd link you to the church website with their info, but I try to keep our location private, and I can't find a general website for that "denomination".
This is what I was looking for in a church: a) good, Biblical teaching with life application, b) people with whom we could connect with, and c) more than just a once-a-week service. And this church had all of that. The teaching was good. The people are great! We even got invited to a family's house for dinner following church! Wonderful family! And there were a few people I talked to that I immediately felt comfortable with and could see future friendship. There's a young adult Sunday school class, Sunday morning church, Sunday night church, and Wednesday AWANA. The music was a nice mix of contemporary songs and the old hymns we like. And even more than all that, when talking with the family over lunch (the husband is the song leader), it came out that they could use more piano players and vocalists, both of which I could do. So that got me excited even more that I could even be used at this church and serve in a ministry besides just nursery duty! We also learned over lunch that there are several families that do homeschool. It's something we've been thinking a lot about, so knowing there are some families that do and some that don't gave us an open door to either option. (I didn't want to homeschool if there were NO other families in the community that did that. I think it's very important to have that network of support, encouragement, and fellowship.) So we'll see! There is still another church or two we might check out just to be sure we know our options, but this one does look like a good one! What an answer to prayer!
It's a Berean church. We'd never heard of that before and were quite leery about it, but from everything we've read about their doctrine, they sound like just a normal, Bible teaching church! The name "Berean" comes from this verse in the Bible: "Now the Bereans...Received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day..." Acts 17:11 It all looks much like our last two Bible churches really. I'd link you to the church website with their info, but I try to keep our location private, and I can't find a general website for that "denomination".
This is what I was looking for in a church: a) good, Biblical teaching with life application, b) people with whom we could connect with, and c) more than just a once-a-week service. And this church had all of that. The teaching was good. The people are great! We even got invited to a family's house for dinner following church! Wonderful family! And there were a few people I talked to that I immediately felt comfortable with and could see future friendship. There's a young adult Sunday school class, Sunday morning church, Sunday night church, and Wednesday AWANA. The music was a nice mix of contemporary songs and the old hymns we like. And even more than all that, when talking with the family over lunch (the husband is the song leader), it came out that they could use more piano players and vocalists, both of which I could do. So that got me excited even more that I could even be used at this church and serve in a ministry besides just nursery duty! We also learned over lunch that there are several families that do homeschool. It's something we've been thinking a lot about, so knowing there are some families that do and some that don't gave us an open door to either option. (I didn't want to homeschool if there were NO other families in the community that did that. I think it's very important to have that network of support, encouragement, and fellowship.) So we'll see! There is still another church or two we might check out just to be sure we know our options, but this one does look like a good one! What an answer to prayer!