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Monday, January 19, 2009

2 1/2 Years!

I can hardly believe that Eli is officially 2.5 today! Wow, where has the time gone?! Here are his updates:

* Stats: 35 1/4 inches tall, ~37 lbs, blond hair, brown eyes, size 2T/3T, size 7 shoe (just recently got Thomas the Train velcro shoes with the red lights that flash when he walks!)
* Lately it appears that he's becoming more and more left-handed. He used to use both hands equally but at meal times I'm noticing a preference for his left hand (like Daddy).
* Bedtime favorites: pillow and 2 blankies. As long as he has those he can sleep anywhere. In a big bed, small bed, or even on the floor.
* Sleep patterns: takes a 2-3 hr nap around 2pm, bedtime at 8:00pm, wakes up between 7:30-8:00am. He stays in bed and waits for me to come in, saying "Mommy, I awake!"
* Big brother things to do: feeds Hannah, gives her toys (more on this), cheers for her when she goes up the stairs, protects her and tries to pull her back when she might be close to falling down the stairs, says "No, no, Hannah" and tells me when she's getting into something she shouldn't (trust me though, I do watch her too)
* When she has something he wants, he'll find a different toy to give her and then takes hers away, saying "My took away". We're working on that. He's trying to be nice but it's still not quite right.
* His favorite thing to do is play in the sink. He literally could play in the sink for a full hour and not make a peep, just playing in the water and "washing dishes". Unfortunately he doesn't get to do this too often because everything gets very wet in the process.
* No matter what you're doing in the kitchen, he'll always drag a chair over so he can see what you're doing.
* He loves trains and even watched a entire show on the History channel about trains.
* He likes to pretend that Hannah's push walker is a vacuum.
* He pretends talking on the phone all the time.
* He loves to play kitchen and pretend he's making cookies, sharing coffee, adding salt to something, or eating an ice cream cone.
* He pretends the garage is a car wash every time we pull in.
* He pretends his closet is an elevator.
* After bath he loves to wrap his towel around himself and call himself "King Elijah!"
* He loves containerizing and dumping things out, or putting things in and out of buckets.
* He loves finding water towers and silos when we're in the car. If the water tower is hiding behind trees he says "Shh, sleeping". Then when it's in clear sight again, he says "Oh, awake!" He does the same thing with the moon behind clouds.
* He loves to make up his own songs.
* He talks all the time, but around others he's usually shy.
* He still has no real interest in potty training.
* Good manners: says "oh, excuse me" when he burps; says "bless you" when you sneeze"; says "privacy please" and hides somewhere when he needs to poop; is quiet and whispers when you're on the phone, Hannah's sleeping, or we're in church; says "May I have...please" when he
asks for something; says "thank you" when you give him something
* Favorite chores: dishes, putting laundry in the washer, vacuuming, and sweeping
* Favorite movies: The Lion King, The Sword and the Stone; Ice Age
* Favorite shows: Bob the Builder, Thomas the Train, and Sesame Street
* Favorite game: hide and seek
* Favorite craft: anything really. loves play dough, gluing things, and finger painting.
* Favorite foods: anything noodles. MILK. cereal. he eats most everything, once we get him to stop talking and just eat of course.
* Dislikes: peanut butter


Angie said...

I know this post is about Elijah and how cute he is (which he is! What a smart boy! I love the way he plays and talks! I especially loves that he is kind enough to give Hannah a toy before he steals hers. That is crafty!) So, are those glasses that he is wearing from Target for $5.99? I almost bought them the other day!s

Holly said...

How can he be related to Paul and dislike peanut butter? That is an AWESOME update, Sarah!! You're setting a high standard as for kid-updates, hahaa!!

Emily Anne Carson said...

i love love love that he pretends his closet is an elevator! :)

bp said...

This is such a great update. I admire you that you do updates like this and all the things you include. These are going to be such treasures to read years from now!